For every medical practice, physician, dentist, or veterinarian, it is crucial to comprehend infusion, the various infusion techniques, and the infusion billing process. It takes specific knowledge and ability to perform infusion correctly because it is a complex process. Many different medical diseases, such as cancer, anemia, and infections, can be treated with infusion therapy. The IV catheter is attached to a bag or bottle that holds the substance or liquid that will be delivered, and the flow rate is watched as the treatment progresses. Which Two Infusion Types Exist?Therapeutic and diagnostic infusions are the two types used in medical procedures. However, infusion therapy has a price, just like any medical operation, and medical professionals must bill it correctly to prevent portiva loss. Infusion medical billing is one area that frequently causes misunderstanding. In this article, we'll look at the definition of infusion in medical coding, the many types of infusion, the processes involved, how to bill for home infusions, and whether infusions are considered treatments.